Saturday, April 4, 2009

Speed bumps!

As I go through the day I usually will hit a few speed bumps along the way that tell me I need to slow down and pay attention to what I'm doing. In this challenge I am also hitting a few of those speed bumps, some I have control over and others I don't.
This last week I had a baby blessing (grandchild #7) and was tempted with 10 homemade desserts. (I only ate a bite of 4 of them.) My birthday which meant going out to lunch with my Mom and sister-in-law. (I love Mimi's Cafe.) General Conference, which at my house always meant having candy to eat. (I think the sugar helps keep me awake, multi grain cheerios aren't quite the same.) But all of these I have had control over.
The speed bumps I don't have control over are the aches and pains in my body.(I officially have muscles in places that have been hidden for years.) The dreaded scale which hasn't been very kind to me. (There will be a major celebration when I have lost 5 pounds.) And the cold weather which makes my arthritis worse. (Many of my joints are close to being bone on bone.)
As I hit these speed bumps I have to remind myself why I wanted to be in this challenge and of a quote I have had since college many years ago. It states, "An obstacle is something you see when you take your eyes off the goal you are trying to reach." My goal is to get healthy and the speed bumps are not obstacles but reminders of why I want to change my life.

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