Monday, April 6, 2009


I have finally lost 5 pounds (I didn't think it would ever happen.) I too have had some goal numbers in my head with this challenge and one of them was to be below 150 by my birthday, which was last week. Well I didn't make my goal (I am finally under 155 barely) but I still went shopping for a new Spring outfit and was able to buy a size 10 for the first time in 30 years. I knew this would be a slow process but I was hoping for a little faster results from all the effort I am putting in (I truly am the tortoise in the race and this speed bump was a mountain to get over).
I have given over half of my wardrobe away at this time with the goal of never being a size 14 again. (I know that doesn't sound like a big size but when you are only 5'3.5" tall it is.) It has been very therapeutic to do this and the clothes I am wearing now are more stylish (when you have your clothes for 15+ years they really start looking dated). I'm down to the clothes I bought when my youngest son got married almost two years ago and I was sure I was going to be able to wear a size 12 (who was I kidding) , so most of my clothes are orange and black which were their wedding colors.
One day my muscles (which I didn't even think existed) may even thank me for this challenge.
My mind is already thanking me, and overcoming the mental part of losing weight is half the challenge and another big speed bump.

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