Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby steps

My husband and I went to Logan this weekend to see our son and his family. They have a 10 1/2 month old little boy and we try and get up to see them every few weeks. The last time we saw Jaxtan was the middle of March and he wasn't even rolling over yet, this weekend he was crawling and walking a few steps on his own. I was amazed at the progress he had made in such a short time and was reminded that this challenge is all about baby steps.
Some of the baby steps I've noticed I've been making are:
1. I know what a portion size of most foods is.
2. I can feel when I am full and need to stop eating.
3. I have tried and like some new vegetables.
4. I no longer fear, doing the 5K. Thanks Traci for the training.
5. I can cook normal food and have it look and taste great without added fat.
6. I can continue to use all that I'm learning in this challenge for the rest of my life. It doesn't end after 100 days.
7. I am stronger both physically and mentally than I thought.
8. Only I can do the work that will make me healthy. (Ok, Dylan keeps me honest.)
9. I don't have any more excuses for not being healthy.
Baby steps may not seem very big, but when you can see the progress they are huge.

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