Thursday, May 7, 2009


I have found something even more addicting than food. It's endorphins. I love the feeling of exercising and replacing the stress of the world with the endorphins that come thru exercising. Wednesday I had a hard time getting going, there were things that needed to get done and not enough time to do them in (this is getting to be a normal occurrence for me). But as I started to do the elliptical all the stress seemed to melt away, I call it going to my happy place where time stands still and I can think and organize what needs to be done. So after exercising my day is all lined up in my head and seems to flow better. I also find that my body craves the endorphins and they are so much better for me than sweets. I still enjoy the sweets but do not crave them anymore. This is a big step for me and personally I think endorphins should be added to the four basic food groups.

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